Here are some examples of chairs that I’ve designed in SketchUp and built.
Campeche Chair
campeche chair
The Campeche Chair is made of walnut, and the design is known to be a favorite of Thomas Jefferson.
Single Rodback Windsor Chair
single rodback side chair
Modesto ash, Monterey Pine seat, and beeswax finish.
Bamboo Turnings in Ash
Double Rodback Windsor Chair
Double Rodback Windsor Chair
The original chair was built in New England about 1810. The seat has carved grooves on the surface and edges to simulate upholstery. All the spindles pass through the lower rod and the three long ones continue on through the upper rod. There are false miters at the corners of the upper rod, called "duck bills".
I made these chairs of Monterey Pine for the seat, and the rest in Modesto Ash. They were finished with linseed oil and shellac. Reference: "The Book of American Windsor Furniture" by John Kassay
Low Back Windsor Chair
low back windsor chair
This is a Philadelphia example of 1750. A thick very wide piece of wood is needed for the Crest Rail. The Seat is also thick with sockets for the wedged through tenons. The original used Walnut for the Seat. I used Monterey Pine for the seat and Modesto Ash for the remaining components.
Queen Anne Chair
This chair, in the Queen Anne style, features a slipper foot and turned stretchers.